
playful cubes for storytelling, brainstorming ideas or playing games in three dimensions

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Diffusion engaging with the community, online and out in the world.


an ongoing programme enabling residents at Proboscis studio to create eBooks and StoryCubes for their own projects.

Learning, Schools & Education

eBooks & StoryCubes created for learning and educational purposes


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Learning, Schools & Education

Home » eBooks, Learning, Schools & Education, Urban & Social Tapestries
Experiencing Democracy Workshop eBook by Year 4, Jenny Hammond Primary School
Submitted by on July 11, 2007 – 12:34 pmNo Comment

Experiencing Democracy Workshop eBook

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About : an eBook recording the activities and outcomes of the experiencing Democracy Workshop, Jenny Hammond Primary School, London June 2007. The contents were selected by the students of Year 4.

Published July 2007

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Home » eBooks, eNotebooks, Learning, Schools & Education, Urban & Social Tapestries
Student Learning Diary for Experiencing Democracy Workshop by Loren Chasse, Giles Lane & Orlagh Woods
Submitted by on June 11, 2007 – 12:31 pmNo Comment

Student Learning Diary

Download A4 | US Letter PDF 160Kb

About : A learning diary for Year 4 students at Jenny Hammond Primary School to keep during the Experiencing Democracy Workshop, June 2007.

Published June 2007

Loren Chasse is a sound artist and educator based in San Francisco, California.

Giles Lane is founder and Co-Director of Proboscis.

Orlagh Woods works for Proboscis as part of the core team with particular responsibility for creative development and evaluation.

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Home » eBooks, eNotebooks, Learning, Schools & Education
My Learning eNotebook by Kevin Harris
Submitted by on April 20, 2007 – 11:45 amNo Comment

My Learning eNotebook

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About : a sample learning eNotebook for a UK Online Centre project.

Published April 2007

Kevin Harris is a community development consultant and writer (Local Level). He blogs on neighbourhoods, neighbourliness, social capital and life at local level.

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Home » eBooks, Learning, Schools & Education
MA Spatial Design Workshop, Ravensbourne College by Giles Lane
Submitted by on November 11, 2006 – 11:33 amOne Comment

MA Spatial Design Workshop

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About : a visual record of a spatial design workshop run by Giles Lane with MA students at Ravensbourne College of Design, London in November 2006

Published November 2006

Giles Lane is the founder and Co-Director of Proboscis.

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  • CNA Classes
    Really thats not bad, I actually am a bit impressed.
    Comment posted on 1-15-2010 at 01:23

Home » eBooks, eNotebooks, Learning, Schools & Education, Urban & Social Tapestries
Everyday Archaeology Student Learning Diary by Loren Chasse, Giles Lane & Orlagh Woods
Submitted by on June 8, 2006 – 3:40 pmOne Comment

Everyday Archaeology Student Learning Diary

Download A4 only PDF 168Kb

Abstract : an eNotebook learning diary created for Year 4 students at Jenny Hammond Primary school during the Everyday Archaeology project, June 2006, as part of Social Tapestries.

Published June 2006

Loren Chasse is a sound artist and educator based in San Francisco, California.

Giles Lane is founder and Co-Director of Proboscis.

Orlagh Woods works for Proboscis as part of the core team with particular responsibility for creative development and evaluation.

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Home » eBooks, eNotebooks, Learning, Schools & Education, Urban & Social Tapestries
Sound Scavenger eNotebook by Loren Chasse, Giles Lane & Orlagh Woods
Submitted by on July 8, 2005 – 4:05 pmOne Comment

Sound Scavenger eNotebook

Download A4 only PDF 368Kb

About : an eNotebook created for students at Jenny Hammond Primary School for the Sound Scavenging Social Tapestries project, June 2005.

Published July 2005

Loren Chasse is a sound artist and educator based in San Francisco, California.

Giles Lane is founder and Co-Director of Proboscis.

Orlagh Woods works for Proboscis as part of the core team with particular responsibility for creative development and evaluation.

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