StoryCubes by Karine Dorset
Twitter StoryCube A4 only PDF 850Kb
Christian Calendar 2010 StoryCube A4 only PDF 650Kb
About : “The calendar cube was about making it 3D: the fact that the cube has 12 sides fitted brilliantly with idea because there’s 12 months. I searched for and downloaded the images from, which had its own christian verses and made the calendar a bit unique. Put the cube together and get the first 6 months, then undo and redo the other side for the next six months.
The twitter cube was based on the idea of giving information on what twitter is actually about. Once again I searched for downloaded the images from, arranged them with info text, and the story cube was made, quiet easy when you have an idea to run with.”
Published March 2010
Karine Dorset is a Communications Assistant at Proboscis as part of the Future Jobs Fund Placement scheme. Originally trained as a chef, she is broadening her creative horizons and exploring other forms of creativity.
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