An Accidental Menagerie 1 by Andrew & Maggie Hunter
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About : Part 1 of a series of eBooks created as part of a Case Study Residency. Being a collection of images compiled by the artist with his daughter while wandering about London and its environs in search of beasties on the dates of November 25th and 26th, 2007. The reader should note that this is by no means a complete archive of the creatures observed.
Published November 2007
Andrew Hunter is the Director/Curator of RENDER, an interdisciplinary art based research, teaching, production and presentation centre at the University of Waterloo, Canada. Hunter also works as an independent artist, writer, and curator and has produced exhibitions, writings and publications for art galleries and museums across Canada, in the United States and Europe. He was a contributor to the Proboscis project Navigating History. For his Generator Case Study, Hunter will visit London in November of this year to develop a poetic, illustrated guidebook in collaboration with his 11 year old daughter Maggie.