Scribbles by Hazem Tagiuri
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About : Scribbles is an eBook portfolio of my poetry, with no connecting theme, designed to be basic, yet visually appealing. Possibly useful for sending examples of work to publishers, magazines or other writers in a portable and attractive format.
Published July 2010
Hazem Tagiuri is a Creative Assistant at Proboscis as part of the Future Jobs Fund Placement scheme. He has an interest in film and literature, and will be exploring the use of Bookleteer in the zine and small publishing scene.
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[...] My eBook was a very slight portfolio of poems, which led me to start thinking about how Bookleteer could…
Comment posted on 8-5-2010 at 15:09
[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by proboscis, bookleteer. bookleteer said: Scribbles by Hazem Tagiuri | made with…
Comment posted on 8-3-2010 at 17:51